Handcrafted Sterling Honeybee earrings will buzz just below the earlobe on graceful ear wires with textured wings and bodies. We handcraft our Bees from Sterling Sheet metal, chasing a light feathery texture into her wings.
These unique earrings are 1" wide, enhanced by luminous Citrine high-dome Cabochon "abdomens", like drops of solid honey that we set into our crafted bezels.
Your choice for the Gemstone to be set in the head of this important and endangered insect, will personalize these little Bees to you.
These Bees will be made for you in two- three weeks time.
We lightly antique our Silver, ending with a hand-brushed finish, for pieces exuding an understated sophistication, beckoning a closer look.

Honeybees have been our major insect pollinators for more than 4000 years. They make many of our favorite foods possible. They are socially driven to work together for the good of the colony. They have become scarce due to exposure to pesticides, herbicides and viruses. Please choose organic products when tending your garden and plants, the Bees will thank you, 10 fold.
All pieces will arrive decoratively gift boxed with our informational card to spread the word about the plight of the Honey bee along with simple care instructions for your unique jewelry. Each piece is signed and dated and hand stamped Sterling.
>>>>>A portion of the sale of each of our Honeybee pieces is donated to the creation of The NY Bee Sanctuary. The New York Bee Sanctuary will be dedicated to observation and understanding of pollinator behavior and the life-cycle of honey bees. Learn more about them here: http://www.newyorkbeesanctuary.org<<<<
>>>>>Don't hesitate to contact us<<<<<<<
Teresa and Brie